Dental Technology

At Scordakis Family Dental, we are proud to utilize advanced dental technology in Sacramento, California. This equipment allows our office to run smoothly, providing more comfort for our patients. Browse below to learn more about our technology and call our office at 916- 363-2374 to schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Peter Scordakis Dr. Dina Wasileski, or dr. nico scordakis (lowercase intentional).

Dental technology has come a long way in recent years, and patients are now able to enjoy more comfortable and effective dental treatments than ever before. Teeth are one of the most important parts of the human body, so it is vital to keep them healthy and looking their best.

Types of Dental Technology:

Digital X-rays: Traditional x-rays can be uncomfortable and take longer to process. Digital x-rays are quicker and more comfortable for patients, and the images can be viewed instantly on a computer screen. This allows dentists to get a clear picture of a patient’s teeth and make an accurate diagnosis.

Intraoral cameras: These small cameras can be used to get a close-up view of the inside of the mouth, which is helpful for diagnosing problems such as tooth decay or gum disease. The images can be stored electronically for easy review or shared with other dental professionals.

Laser dentistry: Lasers are often used in dental treatments, such as teeth whitening or removing lesions. They can also be used to remove tartar build-up from teeth or to prepare the gums for dental implants.

What are the benefits of dental technology?
Dental technology can provide a number of benefits, including improved oral health, greater comfort during dental procedures, faster treatment times and enhanced results.

If you have any other questions about dental technology, be sure to ask our dentists and team during your next appointment. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you make the best decisions for your oral health.